Monday, October 18, 2021

Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling


 This year my ICDP focus is on reading instruction.  Our district goal is to have at least 80% of our students reading at grade level each year. Based on the spring benchmark data for first grade, all of my students entered second grade as “persistently at-risk” in reading.  I know that my core instruction must address phonological awareness (including phonemic awareness), decoding, and sight recognition with more intensity than in the past. 


I am currently enrolled in the LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) professional development course with several other teachers in our building.  I am excited to participate in a study group with them, and I look forward to going through the learning process together.   My research will focus on word recognition, which is the topic of the first four units of the course.  I am also using the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Program, Sounding Out Spelling Words, and Equipped for Reading Success as resources for instructional activities and strategies.


I am confident that by focusing on the word recognition skills of phonological awareness, decoding, and sight recognition, I will see improvement in reading accuracy and fluency.  As a participant of the LETRS training, I will complete a case study of three specific students in class, but as a classroom teacher, I am excited to help all of my students grow as readers.

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