Monday, May 24, 2021

Elementary PE Curriculum

 This year I decided for my Individual Career Development Plan I would rewrite the Elementary PE curriculum. It has been a few years since I have done this.  I wanted to use this time to reflect and update what I did in PE class.  In the past I have lumped elementary into one category.  This year I decided to do each class as a separate curriculum.

I gathered as much research as I could find, past curriculum, state and national standards, and any curriculum online. I "pulled out" the artifacts that went with Kindergarten Physical Education.  This was the information I used to develop/rewrite the Kindergarten curriculum.

After I was done writing the curriculum I made a slide show to present what I had done to the curriculum director and my principal.  That slide show is at this link.

Kindergarten PE Curriculum

Rewriting the Kindergarten PE curriculum has been a good way to reflect on what I am teaching and it will lay the groundwork for rewriting the curriculum for 1st Grade through 4th Grade.  

If you have any comments about the curriculum please feel free to leave them.
